LoadFile 1

Loads a text file that contains two numbers separated by a tab ('\t'). A new pair of numbers is loaded each frame and used to draw a point on the screen.

 * LoadFile 1
 * Loads a text file that contains two numbers separated by a tab ('\t').
 * A new pair of numbers is loaded each frame and used to draw a point on the screen.

String[] lines;
int index = 0;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
  lines = loadStrings("positions.txt");

void draw() {
  if (index < lines.length) {
    String[] pieces = split(lines[index], '\t');
    if (pieces.length == 2) {
      // Scale the coordinates to match the size of the sketch window
      float x = map(float(pieces[0]),0,100,0,width);
      float y = map(float(pieces[1]),0,100,0,height);
      point(x, y);
    // Go to the next line for the next run through draw()
    index = index + 1;

Related Examples

This example is for Processing 4+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know.